Elemental Shaman Best In Slot Shadowlands
Welcome to our Enhancement Shaman BiS List, or as we also call it, Top Picks. This is a page where you can find the statistical distribution of gear, talents, and other choices among Top 1% of the best performing Raiders of this class and specialization in World of Warcraft. On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Enhancement Shaman in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.1. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Enhancement Shaman gear and best in slot. Gearing a Enhancement Shaman. The Importance of 'Simming Yourself' as a Enhancement Shaman. Tauren Panda Orc. These are the top 3 races that I would suggest. Tauren is super strong because of the 2% increased crit damage. It scales very well with Lava burst and it also gives 5% max HP which is great! Panda is another great race because of the food buff. However, if you die it is gone. DEEP DIVE, Legendary ELEMENTAL EQUILIBRIUM, for Elemental Shaman!! Testing it out in a tower run! OMG IT seems so strong. Let me know what you think in the c. TBC Tier 4 Elemental Shaman Best in Slot (BiS) Elemental Shaman Tier 4, the Cyclone Regalia has gloves, chest, head, legs, and shoulders. Its set bonuses are: 2 pieces: Wrath of Air Totem grants an additional 20 Spell Damage. This is a very strong bonus, especially when playing in a caster group! 4 pieces: gives your offensive spell critical.
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Comment by Gabock
I'm a bit confused regarding Elemental Equilibrium. From what I have read (on other WowHead guides), the talent Echoing Shock acts as an elemental spell which should activate the legendary immediately. And the talent having 30 secs cooldown fits perfectly with the legendary cooldown (Or Elemental Blast with 12 secs). Meaning you pretty much have 15% more damage 1/3 of the time on your rotation.Even if what I read is wrong, Icefury which is the recommended talent for best dps (don't really like it myself, too many spells to keep track of) also has a 30 secs cooldown and should give the same effect. Didn't do any studies and don't have beta access, but I'd say +15% damage from all spells should give much more dps than +20% on a single spell with cast time shaved off. Am I missing something?
Comment by AVBrize
But the question is which slot it should be used at? shoulder? helm? bracer? that was the question I came to find an answer to but the guide did not include that. Optimally we should craft a legendary for our slot with the worst stats right? WRT that here is what I think:Since best single target dmg in raid stats are haste and versitality (0.5 & 0.3 weight points respectively), and we should make something that excludue items with those stats. That leaves us with 6 items from the raid (gloves crit/haste, helm haste/mastery, feet crit/mastery, bracers crit/mastery, shoulder versitality/mastery). Crit and mastery are our worst stats possible for single target dmg in raid (0.1 weight points each) this leaves us with only feet & bracer slots. They might be the best possible slots to craft.
This is the deduction I came up with including the items from the raid drops. This doesn't include the mythic+ dungeon drops, they don't get titanforged anymore but they might be viable options if the ilvl is high enough (e.g.: Spires have a haste versitality bracer).
Considered both of the ring slots aswell but since both raid drop rings give massive haste, I think I'll exlude them.

Comment by JJC8623
Question about the order:Like many people, I was able to achieve the 1520 Soul Ash soft cap for Week 2. I currently have the recipe for Elemental Equilibrium, but this guide says not to make it.
I don't have either of the recommended recipes:
Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence (world boss, not sure what order)
Skybreaker's Fiery Demise (Last raid boss)
Echoes of Great Sundering (Muzhala?)
Should I just hoard my Soul Ash until I am able to get one of the recipes above, or just go ahead and make the Elemental Equilibrium?

Comment by aetrius
I just did Castle Natharia and Elemental Equilibrium outperformed the Echoes of Great Sundering by a 3.1 K (DPS) vs 2.2 K (DPS). The procs without large mobs to trigger maelstrom was night and day on a boss fight.Mythic plus seems to benefit greater on the Echoes due to chain lightning triggering a ton of maelstrom.
Just a Shaman's point of view...
I could see the Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence being better than both but I'll craft that this weekend and test it out.
Comment by Kukkaspoika
Bit of a confusing read seeing as Elemental Equilibrium is BiS for Ele Shaman PvP and has near 100% uptime.Contribute
Hello, I am new to Elemental Shaman with Shadowlands and I would like to see a discussion on the two popular legendaries Elemental Shamans are deciding between so as to pick the best one. This discussion is more focused on rated PVP but also would encourage PVE consideration as well. Originally I thought that Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgence was best, but of late I have begun to wonder if Elemental Equilibrium is just better. Here are my thoughts:
Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgance:
- More meatballs is more fun, and allows for more instant cast damage which is always good if getting focused.

- If we are getting focused it can be hard to build maelstrom limiting the effectiveness of this legendary anyways
Elemental Equilibrium:

Elemental Shaman 9.1 Trinkets
- It lines up perfectly with Echoing Shock considering both are on a 30 second cooldown and Echoing Shock alone triggers EE. Furthermore, we typically are going to Echoing Shock when we want to burst so this just adds to that potential burst.
- It does not fundamentally change our rotation so it could be considered boring.
Based on the above, EE makes a lot of sense to me because as I understand it our basic PVP burst combo is a version of the following:
- Precast Stormkeeper
- Primordial Wave
- Echoing Shock
- Lavaburst
- Stormkeeper Lightning Bolt
- (Hopefully you proc Lava Surge, if not skip to step 7?) Lava Burst
- Stormkeeper Lightning Bolt
- Earth Shock
Elemental Shaman Pre Raid Bis Tbc
It seems to me that the ability to gain 15% more damage each burst cycle is a lot better at the moment, but again, I am very new to the class so could be wrong. What do you all think? If I am incorrect in any of the above information please correct me. I am thoroughly enjoying Elemental and am looking to improve.